Nomination Questions and Guide

(1) Please prepare your response to the relevant questions below.

(2) Attach your responses in a Word or PDF document and email to

GENERAL QUESTIONS 1 – 7 :  All participants to respond

1. Company Overview

Briefly describe your organisation and the product or service you offer. Background and a succinct overview of the product or service offering. (200 words; not weighted)

2. Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive advantage

What is unique about your offering? What makes people purchase / use your organisation’s product or service over another? (200 words; 10% weighting)

3. Target Market

Who are your customers and where do they come from?

Outline any characteristic that distinguishes your target market from others, eg. where they live or work, age-group, business sector, buying behaviour etc. You may include figures or market research to demonstrate (200 words – you might like to include graphs or charts (these can be attached in the nomination form); 10% weighting).

4. Distribution Channels

How do you sell or distribute your organisation’s product or service? This could be one or a combination of: direct via shop front or office, via third party re-sellers, online, etc. Any analysis you can provide around this will help (200 words; 10% weighting).

5. Growth projection

What are your growth projections for the next 1 – 3 years? Please explain the basis on which these assumptions are made. These may include current & projected annual turnover, market share, staff numbers, increased / differentiated offering. (200 words – you might like to include graphs or charts – which you can attached in the nomination form; 5% weighting)

6. Promotional Strategy

How do you promote your organisation’s product or service? How do your customers know about your product offering? (200 words; 5% weighting)

7. Your Business Story

Understanding that pro-forma questions don’t always give you the opportunity to represent your business and its unique offering in the way you’d always like, please take this opportunity to provide us with more information. This could be a ‘case study; story from a client / partner / supplier; vignette of your experiences / journey; or an example of how or where your business has made a difference to someone, somehow, somewhere (300 words; 20% weighting).