INDUSTRY AWARDSSingular wins ‘Best Gaming Online Betting Platform of the Year’ at MiGEA 2024

  Published 7 hours ago on July 3, 2024


Singular, an international iGaming software provider and part of Flutter Entertainment, has been awarded ‘Best Gaming Online Betting Platform of the Year’ at the recent Malta’s Gaming Excellence Awards (MiGEA), an annual event that celebrates companies and individuals for their continuous contribution to growth, innovation, and accomplishments within the iGaming industry.

This is the second award that Singular ever received from MiGEA, as the company previously won the ‘Best iGaming Technology & Media Provider of the Year’ award at the 2022 ceremony. In addition to this year’s award, Singular was also nominated in two other categories in 2024, ‘Best Gaming Technology Provider of the Year’ and ‘Best Omni-Channel Provider of the Year’.

“We are honored to be recognized with such a prestigious award at the recent MiGEA ceremony. This achievement is a testament to our team’s hard work, and it serves as great motivation to continue investing in our iGaming platforms and give the brands we support a competitive edge at all times,” comments Phil Garner, Singular’s Managing Director. “We’re all proud of this recognition and are looking forward to even greater success for both Singular and Flutter Entertainment.”

As a Flutter technology provider, Singular is also part of the Flutter Edge, the Group’s distinctive, global competitive advantage across talent, technology, product and capital. This enables a great exchange of knowledge and expertise across teams, brands, and even divisions, and allows Flutter brands to remain at the forefront of the industry with their platform solutions.

About Flutter Entertainment plc

Flutter is the world’s leading online sports betting and iGaming operator, with leading positions in markets across the world, including the US. Our ambition is to leverage our significant scale and our challenger mindset to change our industry for the better. By Changing the Game, we believe we can deliver long-term growth while promoting a positive, sustainable future for all our stakeholders. We are well-placed to do so through the distinctive, global competitive advantages of the Flutter Edge, which gives our brands access to group-wide benefits to stay ahead of the competition, as well as our clear vision for sustainability through our Positive Impact Plan.

Flutter operates a diverse portfolio of leading online sports betting and iGaming brands including FanDuel, Sky Betting & Gaming, Sportsbet, PokerStars, Paddy Power, Sisal, Tombola, Betfair, MaxBet, Junglee Games and Adjarabet. We are the industry leader with 12.32 million AMPs and £9.51 billion of revenue globally for fiscal 2023, up 25% YoY, and 13.58 million AMPs and £2.67 billion of revenue globally for the quarter ended December 31, 2023.

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Malta’s Gaming Excellence Awards Announce 2024 Winners

It’s one of the most anticipated events in the iGaming calendar. Which companies and individuals received awards? How was the event perceived by attendees? Which good causes got their name up in lights?

Malta’s Gaming Excellence AwardsIn an evening where the focus was on the very best of the iGaming industry, only a select few stood out.

Celebrating The Best In The Gaming Industry

The industry-shaping Malta’s Gaming Excellence Awards (MiGEA) were held on June 21, 2024, at the prestigious Grand Master’s Hall, Hilton, Portomaso.

MiGEA have previously been referred to as the ‘Oscars of Gaming’, such is the prestigiousness of the accolades, which honour outstanding achievements and innovations in the gaming sector.

They hand out the awards that every developer and operator desire to win , but only a few were able to claim a trophy.

2024 MiGEA Award Winners

It was a monumental night for Peter and Sons, who won both Best Start-Up and Best Gaming Supplier in the same year, demonstrating just how far they have come in such a short period of time.

There were also notable awards for the prominent iGaming companies Pragmatic Play and Hacksaw Gaming – two providers that have been dominating the scene with some innovative mechanics and new formats.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Best Gaming Casino Supplier of the Year: Peter and Sons / Playson Ltd
  • Best Start-Up Company of the Year: Peter and Sons
  • Best Gaming Company of the Year: Pragmatic Play
  • Best Online Industry Achiever of the Year: Gaming 1
  • Best Online Slots & RNG Games: Hacksaw Gaming
  • Outstanding Provider of Online Casino Tech of the Year Award: Pascal Gaming

A Night Of Celebration And Networking

The red carpet was rolled out for an extravagant evening suitable for an awards dinner of this scale.

World-renowned Italian tenor Luca Minnelli performed the talent in what was a highlight of the night, but – as is always the case at these types of events – much of the focus was on networking.

These events gather industry professionals, experts and enthusiasts from all over the world, providing a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and establish valuable business relationships.

There was no better setting than the glamorous Portomaso venue, situated on top of a luxurious Maltese harbour.

Charitable Initiatives

As is customary for these types of events, there were some good causes to benefit from the occasion.

Proceeds from the event supported the Dynamic Events CSR Foundation’s various charitable projects.

A significant amount of money was raised.

Industry Recognition

How does one adequately recognise the craft of their peers? What’s more valuable than word of mouth?

Winners received a MiGEA trophy, an accredited certificate, but most importantly, extensive PR coverage through press releases and social media.

Reputation and credibility carries immense importance in iGaming, and the winners will have advanced the fortunes of their business considerably.

Conclusion: Honouring Innovation And Excellence

The iGaming industry is constantly evolving and growing, with new technologies, trends, and players emerging every day. Therefore, it is essential for businesses and individuals within the industry to continually innovate and strive for excellence in their respective fields.

The way the industry can keep learning and moving forward together in a gradual race for the top is through awards nights such as these.

By promoting healthy competition among businesses and individuals, the industry is encouraging growth and development.

Lewis Constable
Expert in: News, Blog
A seasoned iGaming copywriter with 10+ years of experience working for some of the sector’s biggest names, Lewis is a human encyclopedia of all things online casino!

Stqarrija Pubblika datata nhar l-Ewwel ta’ Lulju 2024

Niktbu b’referenza għad-demostrazzjonijiet riċenti ġewwa l-Qala, Għawdex, permezz ta’ liema, attivisti invadew u sussegwentament ivvandalizzaw proprjeta’ privata. Filwaqt illi l-MDA tirrikonoxxi d-dritt ta’ protest u sabiex iwasslu l-messaġġ tagħhom f’soċjeta demokratika, nenfasizzaw illi dan id-dritt ma jfissirx illi wieħed jista jieħu l-liġi b’idejh u jagħmel proprja l- kontra ta’ dak illi tippermetti, liġi li tiżgura ordni u ġustizzja.

Din il-ġrajja turi inkonsistenza gravissima minn lobby group illi filwaqt illi qiegħdin jallegaw illegalita f’sit, ikkommettew diversi atti illegali huma nfushom. Ċertament huwa inaċċettabli illi individwi jieħdu l-liġi b’idejhom u huma l-awtoritajiet illi għandhom jieħdu azzjonijiet u jippenalizzaw tali ksur.

L-MDA tirrokonixxi wkoll li hemm nuqqasijiet varji fis-sistema tal-Ippjanar f’Malta. In tant, l- MDA iżżomm ferm mal-pożizzjoni tagħha fejn konsistentament talbet aktar riformi u regolamenti illi ma jippermettux abbuż minn ebda individwu, inkluż ċertu iżviluppaturi li jagħmlu ħsara lil – isem tal-industrija. Di fatti, l-MDA tiddiskuti proposti mal-Awtoritajiet ikkonċernati fuq bażi regolari iżda temmen illi hemm bżonn aktar rieda politika sabiex jinbidlu proċeduri u proċessi varji.

B’dan magħdud, l-MDA tinsisti illi kwalsiasi diskussjoni għal sistema ta’ pjanar aħjar għanda ssir biss fil-konfini tal-liġi upermezz ta’ djalogu kostruttiv. L-MDA tibqa kommessa sabiex tiddiskuti mal-awtoritajiet u anke ma’ stakeholders u persuni interessati oħrajn modijiet li tassew jistgħu itejbu l-kwalita’ ta’ ħajja ta’ dawk il-persuni kollha involuti fl-industrija kif ukoll u b’mod partikolari, dawk il-Maltin u Għawdxin illi jiġu impattati b’xi mod mis-settur tal-Proprjeta’.